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New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by (Chancellor) Leon Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:56 pm

New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Heartland_Tower_Being_Rebuilt

One of the few cities that has no bordered security and possesses stable general areas suitable for all to live in peace... or as it appears. Still under the strict control with hunting games, there still is a time just before nightfall that people can roam around Heartland City without the fear of being forced into a Duel. (Day and Night cycle changes after 20 posts unless initiated In Character/ In post that the time of day is changing.)
(Chancellor) Leon
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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by (Chancellor) Leon Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:26 pm


It was night, almost pitch-black and very little roamed the streets of New Heartland at this hour. The sounds of Patrol Duel Runners were filling the air, while thugs and juveniles filled the shadows. In the more rural areas of New Heartland, there was a large gathering.
"So... Is this really how it's going to be?" A voice could be hear in the middle of all the chatter, there was the sound of reeving engines back and forth.
"So be it then!"
This was two groups of individuals, one of them being a gang that ran the area and weren't too happy to come across a Crusader. They were among the people that followed the law but refused to enforce it, stabbing the backs of those officials that trusted them. There were two Duel Runners side by side, and a spray painted white line.
"Winner is the person with the most tags, right?"
The other voice on the runner could be heard.
"Legendary Leader of Crusaders Vs. A thug in a tagging match? Gimme a break guy..."The violet colored man said as his helmet dawned upon his well spiked hair.
The two men took their marks and waited for the very promiscuously dressed woman to come between them. The one they'd mocked as the Leader wasn't paying any mind, his hand ready with his fuchsia colored can. The girl raised the white cloth about her head as it trickled lazily between her fingers, she grinned at them both, the opponent holding a black spray can. They revved at one another in an aggressive manner as the girl releases the cloth and let's it come to a slow and subtle rest. Once it does the challengers take off in the streets! The brightly colored driver with the pink can already takes the first position and quickly marks it with the crest of the Crusade and dusts off down the streets which hastily angered the other individual, they two of them continued with this process unknowing of the surroundings.
(Chancellor) Leon
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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Tsukune Aono Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:46 pm

A mysterious person is watching the race.
"Why'd I never take the time to make a duel runner?" he says, looking down fot a second to check his deck for a certain card.
"Where is my Dark Armed Dragon?"
Tsukune Aono
Tsukune Aono

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by (Chancellor) Leon Wed Mar 18, 2015 4:15 pm

As both of the competitors took their points one after another and almost tagging up an equal amount of locations, the one on the dark duel runner began to sweat at the closeness of the competition. In this event, he grinned and already had a nasty plot cooked up. He activated his duel disk and synced it with the Real-Time Action Field.
"Try this on for size Pinky!" He said slapping a card on the field, Gate Blocker.
This sudden disturbance made the other rider swerve in several directions in the chance to avoid colliding with the monster and trying to keep up in the race.
"You're not getting any respect for dirty tricks!"
"Like I care what you think! I'm out to win it baby!"
He slapped several more of the same card on the field, almost making an entire blockade behind him which soon made the other rider force a stop and crash into the side of a building upon being lapped past.
(Chancellor) Leon
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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Sentrio Wed Mar 18, 2015 4:32 pm

Sentrio helps Haribaku back up onto his Runner. "Let me help you win this." he says urgently.

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Tsukune Aono Wed Mar 18, 2015 4:47 pm

The mysterious duelist would walk up to Sentrio and ask him a question.
"Where are we?" In a calm voice.
A Gold b battle city duel disk can be seen on the strangers arm.
Tsukune Aono
Tsukune Aono

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Sentrio Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:22 pm

"New Heartland City, how do you NOT know?" he says.

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Tsukune Aono Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:25 pm

"I can't say... but it's like i've lost my memory." he says calmly.
Tsukune Aono
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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by (Chancellor) Leon Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:30 pm

Haribaku accepts the help off the side of the wall and groans in pain from the injuries. His eyes were in grief at the sight of his runner, the wheel was almost completely bent out of shape and a lot of the circuits seemed to be damaged by the crash.
"Damnit... There goes one piece of territory the Crusade won't be owning."
He listened to the conversation between the two and zoned into it.
"You lost your memory?, didn't you join our ranks recently?"
(Chancellor) Leon
(Chancellor) Leon
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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Tsukune Aono Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:32 pm

"I don't remember if i did or not, my memory is a bit hazy." the mysterious duelist says in a chill voice.
Tsukune Aono
Tsukune Aono

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by (Chancellor) Leon Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:00 pm

Shaking his head at the young man, he rose from the side of his Duel Runner, and started to collect the piece that broke off the side.
"If you can't remember, then stick around me then. It'll be worth joining, and think you could give me a hand with this?"
(Chancellor) Leon
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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Tsukune Aono Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:02 pm

The stranger helps him with the broken runner.
"I guess i will join you." he says calmly.
Tsukune Aono
Tsukune Aono

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Sentrio Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:04 pm

Sentrio, being a wiz at technology, quickly fixes the circuits with his spare tools.
"Here you are."

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by (Chancellor) Leon Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:09 pm

Haribaku noticed both of the individuals taking the time to help him and grinned.
"Well I suppose there is an upside to this situation. Alright you two... We need to get out of this location fast. I feel like the Patrol will pick up this level of summoning energy soon and get here. Let's move soldiers!"
He lifted the runner up and started to push it down the alley with the assistance of the stranger and Sentrio, as they moved he examined all the parts of his broken machine with what he could.
"Sentrio, I didn't expect you to be in this area that often. I thought you and your squad were going to try and get the intel on how we're going to infiltrate the main building in Heartland?"
(Chancellor) Leon
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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Tsukune Aono Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:12 pm

The stranger puts some ear buds in his ears and listens to some music not paying attention to their conversation what so ever.
Tsukune Aono
Tsukune Aono

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Sentrio Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:28 pm

"That's why I'm here. I found a way in. The front door. I know it sounds like suicide, but it's the LEAST guarded place there. Ironic right?" he chuckles a bit.

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by (Chancellor) Leon Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:33 pm

"What the hell... Are they underestimating us or something? Just because they are without an Order Master doesn't mean we won't barge in their and take what's ours... Heartland is my hometown and I swear these fiends won't do as they please with it. Enough with my rant... Tell me the full details of the plan? How much resources will we need?" Haribaku glanced around the edges of the dark, noticing that there were several passageways around and motioned both the stranger and Sentrio to follow him while wheeling the runner.
(Chancellor) Leon
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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Sentrio Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:37 pm

Sentrio does so and feels a presence in the darkness. "I think someone's nearby. Here's not safe." he whispers. He pushes the runner a little faster. "I'm the only one of our squad who made it back though. We were spotted near the northeast convoy area, where we saw all the guards focused in other areas, besides the main entrance. They were captured by Meklord users. We need a team who works well against machines. From what I saw, most of the guards are Meklord users. Strange..."

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Tsukune Aono Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:40 pm

The stranger would look at both of them,then he would look straight. Then the stranger looked at his duel disk and sighed.
Tsukune Aono
Tsukune Aono

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Sentrio Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:41 pm

"and are you sure we can trust this guy? For all we know, he could be a spy!" Sentrio says, urgently.

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by (Chancellor) Leon Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:44 pm

Listening to every bit of the report given by Sentrio, he gave off a grin, "This is an interesting opportunity. When we get back to the base, I want you to send out the notice to several branches of the Crusade that we need Xyz and Fusion duelists ASAP! We're going to raid that place within the week." He noticed Sentrio's comment about the new guy that was following them and closed his eyes, "Well, we need all the help we can get. This guy doesn't seem like much trouble. I trust him, and that's what the Crusade is about. Uniting everyone as one for a greater purpose." he commented towards them both, hoping that the stranger could hear him past the music.
(Chancellor) Leon
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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Sentrio Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:44 pm

"Alright. I trust you."

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Tsukune Aono Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:46 pm

The music was up to high the stranger could not hear what they were saying. Then the stranger looked at his other deck (Not the dark deck) and then he grabed stardust spark dragon and looked at it.
Tsukune Aono
Tsukune Aono

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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by (Chancellor) Leon Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:50 pm

Haribaku looked at the stranger and saw that he wasn't paying attention still and shook his head, "You're going to be a piece of work..." He then reached over and popped one of the earphones out, "Welcome back to the world. At least introduce yourself Soldier, you're going to be joining our ranks soon and working under us."
(Chancellor) Leon
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New Heartland City (New Age RP City) Empty Re: New Heartland City (New Age RP City)

Post by Tsukune Aono Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:52 pm

The stranger looked at him after he popped out the ear bud and said "All i know is that my name is hex i dont know where i came from and dont touch my ear buds ever again or else"
Tsukune Aono
Tsukune Aono

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